Tuesday, May 19, 2009



- eg. Coffin, Coming Soon …
- 看起来是很恐怖,但通常都是有头无尾的。而且很喜欢用因果循环为卖点。不过看了总是有让人连毛都站起来的感觉。

- 来来去去不是长发的就是红衣的,脸青青,通常以报仇为大纲。造就出人们不犯错的行为。

- 很喜欢弄到很恐怖,不过不知道怎么的总是一看就觉得是在做戏。恐怖就在于明明知道是在做戏可是还是会吓到。

- eg. The ring (Japan)
- 通常以平常人不以为然的事做得很恐怖,引发出内心的恐惧。害得很多人做每件事都疑神疑鬼。

- eg. 28 weeks later, eagle eye ….
- 越来越会攻于心理上的刺激感。越来越喜欢用未来的事为题材来启发人民,恐怖的是他的戏真的引发了了我心中的恐惧感。

- Dracula, Twilight
- 很喜欢把鬼跟爱情结合在一起。恐怖就在头头是爱情戏后来是鬼戏。

- 看得出是每出戏都想得奖的感觉。恐怖就在于那竞争心理。

不过最近大马也有越来越多的鬼戏出现,恐怖就在于说‘马来西亚人尽然恐怖到连鬼戏都不会拍,搞到什么Power Ranger + Monster的东东出来,我国的影坛的未来还真是恐怖啊。’


Rebecca said...

twilight and eagle eye are not scary movie la..
twilight u can say got a bit la..cause vampire ma..
but eagle eye?

cheery said...

wah.. u like scary movie so much? If give me FREE movie tickets to watch also i dont want. Haha

Jaydon said...

sorry for the late reply.
for me, eagle eye is quite the same as the 28 weeks later. both talking about the horror side of the future.
some more the CCTV camera shows which would be widely use in the future will sweep away our freedom as people are watching at our activities daily.

reid said...

sry ah, dont mean to shoot..but boom only

1. i dont know how to read chinese..but nvm your freedom..( this one not shooting)

2. eagle eye is TOTALLY different from 28 weeks later lo..eagle eyes is so awesome..

3. malaysia wont have that advanced technology, so dunid to worry..haha

Jaydon said...

okla, no doubt eagle eye is awesome. but it still make me feel scary. why??? because it same as 28weeks later and shows the future of our world. imagine la, oneday ur phone tell you to do this and that and cut off whatever things of u a round the world (specially your beloved one). what will you do har. its no difference that u live in a cave or not.